Tuesday, January 18, 2011

23 Weeks & counting!

20 Week Ultrasound!

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to share a couple of pictures from my 20 week ultrasound.  I
can't believe we are already halfway there! It has really gone by fast so
far. We were happy to find out that she is still a girl! Haha! I have
actually been able to feel her move for a couple of weeks now, but the
movement is getting more frequent and easier to feel now. She is weighing
in at 11oz now and was wiggling up a storm during the ultrasound, so the
pictures are not as clear, but she is doing great so far and I'm feeling
good too! As you can see in the pictures, she was sucking her thumb the
whole time! This was really cute to watch.

Hope you are all doing well and hope everyone has a Happy new Year!